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LEI-CL10 09.11.2022


The LEI-CL10 service solution is designed to clean measuring and combination pH and ORP electrodes from typical contaminants that gradually appear on the sensitive elements of the electrodes during routine operation.

 LEI-CL10 is fully interchangeable with HI7061L cleaning solution by Hanna Instruments.

 LEI-CL10 cleaning solution is produced by ECOINSTRUMENT in Russia and supplied in 250-ml (LEI-CL10-500) or 500-ml (LEI-CL10-250) bottles.

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«Ecoinstrument» Moscow, Krymsky val, building 3-2, office 512, phone: +7(495)745-22-90 Founder of a non-profit Found «Clean Hands, Clean Rivers»
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